
The Chronicles Of Run

Original price was: £13,00.Current price is: £5,20.

SKU: 'LPG-TCR-001 Category: Tag:


Chaos and Order clash, and the fate of the world of Run hangs in the balance. Choose sides and fulfill your destiny!

The Chronicles of Run is a two-player game based in a fantasy world, based in abstract strategy and tile placement.

At the begining of the game players take their cards, tokens and screens. They create the world of Run by placing the hexagonal land tiles. Lands are divided in two zones, one for attackers and a second for defenders, and they have a different importance in the game that is represented by its points of power.

In each turn players choose and place one rune token (that represents a hero with a different value of fate) on a land tile free. After both sides have played, tokens are revealed, their cards placed aside and their skills applied.

Runes represent very powerful skills that can modify the position of characters, boost them or win a challenge against an specific opponent. This allows a great variety of tactics and tricks to overcome your opponent’s minions.

This process is repeated until all the lands have a hero of each side (Order or Chaos). Then challenges are resolved in each land around the world. The hero with more fate wins the challenge, and its controlling player gets the points of power from that land.

After all challenges are done the game ends, and the player that achieves more points of power wins.


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