This is a bundle containing several Kickstarter-exclusive stretch goals for Outlive.
It contains:
Four dual-layer shelter boards.
One new event (Atomic Blast).
Four special leaders (Gaïa Hope, Jeanne Eserge, Bob Craft, Charles Gravier). Unlike the leaders from the core game, these do no start with a piece of equipment, but have some other ability.
Three rooms (1 Material of your choosing, 4 permanent Water but +1 radioactivity, Airlock: +1 Survivor).
Five equipments (Grenade, Goty, Link, Darwin, Khal).
Solo mode: The Horde.
In addition, it contains three mini-expansions (descriptions from the publisher):
Lost In The City
New set of tiles to discover as you search the city ruins. You may come across extra survivors for your shelter, a trader who can exchange supplies with you or even a group of raiders that won’t hesitate to lighten your load for you!
A new set of prey tiles to include in your games. These beasts provide less food when killed but they give you victory points at the end of the game!
Relic from the past
New equipment for you to repair. Unlike normal equipment, these do not confer any in game bonuses but they do give you a good amount of victory points at the end of the game.
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