
Magical Kitties Save the Day – Hometown – Alien Invasion

Original price was: £14,00.Current price is: £5,60.

SKU: 'LPG-AG3114 Category: Tag:


The magical kitties in Happy Glade spend their lives like kitties in any other big city suburb. They laze in the sun, chase mysterious red dots, and occasional thwart alien invasions!

That’s because aliens from the planet Zelan have infiltrated Happy Glade in disguise. The bug-eyed Zelanoids manipulate and experiment on humans, all to conquer Earth so they can harvest its resources. The only way save the day is to travel to the alien mothership hiding behind the Moon!

Key Selling Points

  • This adventure and setting book introduces the Happy Glade suburban hometown, then puts it all at risk when aliens attack.
  • Fully compatible with Magical Kitties Save the Day, an RPG of cute, fierce kitties.
  • Includes a gorgeous full-color poster map to keep players curious and engaged.

Gameplay Basics

  • Character creation in Magical Kitties Save the Day is fast: every kitty needs a Power, Talent, and Flaw. Create your own magical kitty or roll dice to choose your attributes randomly.
  • Roll a dice pool to do something difficult. Each die that rolls at or above the gamemaster’s difficulty is a success. The number of successes you roll determines the outcome and drives the story forward in unexpected and exciting ways.
  • Use the adventures included in the book or design your own magical scenarios to play a one-shot or start an ongoing campaign.

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