The Citadel Colour 400ml Spray Leadbelcher Acrylic Paint from the acrylic paints range provides a superb quality paint for Warhammer 40K and Games Workshop model making.
Citadel Colour Spray paints let you cover your miniature in one solid coat of colour. It gives you a bedrock to apply your Base paints or Contrast paints onto.
Spray – Step 1
To prepare your can of Spray, you’ll need to shake it vigorously for one to two minutes. Ideal spraying conditions are 15-25° Celsius on a clear day.
Spray – Step 2
Spray your miniatures outside, holding them around 20-40cm away. Use short bursts, so you don’t coat the miniature too thickly.
Spray – Step 3
As with many things, less is more. Rotate your minature and apply multiple thin coats of Spray to ensure even coverage.
Spray – Step 4
Finally, leave your miniature to dry in a well ventilated area for at least 15 minutes. Now it’s ready to be painted!
Manufacturer: Citadel
Model: 62-24 Citadel Colour 400ml Spray Leadbelcher Acrylic Paint
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