
Stormcast Eternals: Stormstrike Chariot

Original price was: £29,99.Current price is: £12,00.

SKU: '96-48 Category: Tag:


Stormstrike Chariots are the Stormcasts specialist linebreaker units. Pulled by two specially bred gryph-chargers, these chariots are swift enough to evade enemy fire and to respond with either a mighty charge or thunderous long-range fire.

The Stormstrike Chariot itself bears the maker’s mark of Grungni himself and resembles the shields wielded by Vindictors. Its riders wear a unique lighter variant of the brand new thunderstrike armour. Whilst the driver is armed with a stormstrike axe, the Stormcast passenger can be built wielding either a great stormbow or a tempestuous spear.


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